Hey soulful entrepreneur,

You've been running your business for a few years and you've worked with a ton of awesome clients in that time, but now you've reached a growth plateau.

No matter what you do (and you're doing A LOT) you can't seem to break through this revenue ceiling.

You're running on coffee and adrenaline and you're still not getting through your t-do list each day.

These days you're feeling less motivated (even bored to be real honest), which is confusing because this is your purpose work!

The truth is you’ve really got a lot on your plate with clients calls, managing your inbox, creating content for social media… - and let’s not even get started on your personal life.

You’ve been doing it all for a while and it starts to feel heavy on your shoulders. You secretly just want to throw the damn phone away.

You know you need to take better care of yourself but you also feel under-pressure to push forward and keep doing business as usual. Who are you if you’re not taking action? 

YET you realize doing more or the same doesn’t work anymore.

It’s like the next door in your business growth is locked and the keys that got you to where you are won’t work anymore. You need a different type of key.

>> One that allows you to feel good in your business and takes all of you into consideration - not just the go getter in you.

>> One that brings your big vision together, deepening self-trust & intuition - without pressure or having to sacrifice all your time.

>> One that make you feel more nurtured and supported as you attracts right-fit clients that light you up consistently and achieve sustainable revenue growth without "doing more".

The thing is (despite what all the business coaches tell you) you don’t need another business strategy to break through your current revenue ceiling…


Chances are your strategy can work... but only when you shift your perspective and look at the energetics behind it.

That's what Leadership Energetics is.

A unique approach to growing with soul so hitting your next goal becomes both inevitable and pleasurable.

When you replenish your energy, upgrade your identity, and activate your inner leader, you naturally get more visible, attract more right-fit clients consistently, and achieve sustainable revenue and impact growth.

I had the tendency to get lost in small steps, losing time and energy in indecision and sometimes drama. Camille helped me taking perspective over my business. She help me to reconnect with my vision, to my WHY and to how I wanted to show up. This powerful shift had a direct impact on my work, it felt easier, simpler. And it led to signing more ideal clients in a short time!
— Diane, Love Coach

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Hi, I’m Camille.

A leadership coach, passionate about helping you get more visible & achieve sustainable growth both in the money you make and the impact you create.

Camille is my rock and my safe place. That place I always know is there to support my growth in total freedom. In our sessions I feel free to explore my feelings, all of them, without judgement or shame. And that has allowed me to dig deeper than before in who I truly am and help me to understand what I really want!
— Laura. London, UK
Camille helped me realize that I get to do business my way, in a way that works for me, even if that looks different from what I think coaching businesses should look. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s finally beginning to work! I am showing up consistently in my marketing, still loving my work with my clients, and finding the fun in all of it!
— Kimberly, Transformation Coach

Pssst! Want to start your day feeling grounded and activate your magnetic leader energy? I’ve got something for you.

Magnetic Morning Ritual


I’m here to help you get more visible, attract more right-fit clients consistently, and achieve sustainable revenue and impact growth - without adding more marketing tasks on your to do list.

Ready to grow your business with soul?



With her great sensitivity and analytical mind, Camille has helped me to tidy the noise in my head, enabling me to reconnect with my body and my inner self.
— Melanie, Consultant
I decided to sign up for coaching with Camille because I had an instant breakthrough when listening to one of her first podcast episodes. When listening, the tears started pouring out of my eyes that I had no idea needed to come out, and I knew at that moment that Camille could help me tap into long-neglected parts of myself that needed to be expressed.

Before working together, everything I did in my business was only coming from my brain, and this simply wasn’t working for me or for my business. I was disconnected from myself, my feelings, and my future clients, and because of this I was not open to receiving new clients or new ideas for content.

Camille helped me tap into this higher knowledge within myself that I didn’t know was there. She helped calm my nervous system that would immediately kick in whenever I thought about showing up in my business. She shared tools that I can continue using whenever I feel that urge to shrink back and hide, so I can keep showing up for my business and potential clients with consistency.

AND she helped me realize (over and over because it took several conversations to sink in) that I get to do business my way, in a way that works for me, even if that looks different from what I think coaching businesses should look. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s finally beginning to work! The pressure to reach a certain point is no longer shutting me down, I am showing up consistently in my marketing, still loving my work with my clients, and finding the fun in all of it rather than the dread I have felt for the last year. I am so grateful!
— Kimberly, Transformation Coach
Camille has a gift and a wonderful way of enabling healing.
I felt confident from moment one about her and her ability, there is something very special about the way she talks and looks at people. She made me feel my body in a new way, opening up a new door to reconnect with me, with my body. And that changed my whole experience of myself.
— Laura. Bogota, Colombia.
“Camille helped my passage into menopause with grace and power. At 53 I felt like the sexual part of my life was waning, and then I was told I needed a hysterectomy. I was grief-stricken. Was this the end of sex for me? Would I care? Through my work with Camille, I healed and re-found my yoni energy. It was not the end! This new chapter of life not only includes sex and sensuality – but also more confidence. Camille is knowledgeable and intuitive and attracts like-minded women. One of my favourite things about working with Camille is the safe space she created for a group of women to share parts of our lives with understanding and a sense of humour.”
— Beth. London, UK
My life felt like a giant undone jigsaw and Camille helped me put the pieces back together. I can now see the bigger picture. I am grateful for who I am and what I have. I feel a lot happier, I’ve learnt to love myself. I feel very connected to my true self and can feel my presence in this world.
— Sandrine, London UK
I can’t say enough wonderful things about my time working with Camille. Her ability to coach through the deep seated emotional work I was doing was so needed. She didn’t give me a five-step plan. She gave me tools to help myself for the long term. 

Camille has such a lovely talent of seeing the struggle we don’t often want to acknowledge and gently bringing it awareness so we can safely deal with it. I was empowered to accept all the parts of me and love myself as a whole person. She also was wonderful in keeping me accountable in personal goals and I know that working with her had a huge impact on my life. I recommend her to everyone I talk to.
— Toni. North-Carolina, USA
Camille is an excellent coach, she holds beautiful space and guides you expertly through processes that you can use in everyday life! I found my sessions with her to be extremely beneficial and supportive in getting me through a tough time. After just 2 sessions I am feeling much more in the flow with life and aligned with my purpose!
— Willow. Santa Cruz, USA
Camille offered me loving support and clear guidance in our sessions. She ensured I would take the next steps in my life by helping me open the door to my own greater understanding, feeling my depth and stepping into my personal growth. I felt so empowered in my emotions and with myself in a way I never dared to imagine! I am so grateful for what changed within me and I absolutely recommend working with her!
— Katrin. Francfort, Germany
I found Camille to be incredibly effective and precise in her coaching with me. I could tell she had done a lot of healing work personally, and this transmits in her innate sense of grace, and also the love and care with which she held me. She has an ease and a sensuality which reminded me all the time to just relax and let things flow more. I would say she embodies her practices and is a really great example of what this work can help a woman achieve. Also that she has a great amount of tools, and is also super insightful as to how to help you get there too.
— Julia. London, UK
Camille is a sensitive, intuitive, kind and highly professional coach who adapted each of our sessions to what I needed. Today I can say that I have reclaimed my feminine power, that I am 100% worthy and deserving. I have learned to listen to my body, I feel at peace and in harmony with my body. And I had a lot of baggages! After years of therapy and healing, Camille’ coaching was what I needed to finally get there. I’m impressed by my evolution and how far I’ve came. I’m so thankful!
— Pamela, France
I started coaching with Camille in early 2018. She was able to hold space masterfully and allowed me to go deep within. She helped organise my thoughts, feeling and actions in a way that felt easier to handle. At that time I was struggling with how to take action in my career to grow my business and still take care of everything else as a single mother and sole provider. She helped find clarity without loosing myself in the process. I am so deeply grateful I had a chance to experience Camille’s coaching.
— Mari. New Jersey, USA
Camille has a wonderful ability to create and hold a safe place for me to feel, think and express without fear or shame.
— Laura, London, UK