Episode #7 - What happens when you stop chasing the big O...
I love to bust a good myth around sex so today I want to talk about chasing the big O.
I want you to experience loving, nourishing sex, not just a quick peak orgasm without real connection so today I am sharing a really fun practice for you to explore your sexuality differently.
But first, if you feel you have no time for exploration and always put sex at the bottom of your list, I want you to know why I am sharing that especially with you…
I really want to challenge you to enrich your intimate life because to love yourself and your partner (and to prioritize sex), is the best thing you can do for your children!
I want you to have a better connection to yourself for you to have a better connection with your loved ones.
To be at home in your body and experience that your body is truly a wonder.
Because honestly what better thing to make “good sex” a priority! Life is too short for bad sex.
And one of the things you can do is to drop the expectation of even having an orgasm.
Now, I am not saying that you shouldn’t have one (or two or three!) but that when you stop chasing it, then you get to feel much more, you get to go deeper, you get to be present with your sensations.
Recently I was asked this question: what makes a good lover?
To me a good lover is a partner who is fully present, fully embodied.
Not in his head, somewhere else but here in his sensations and present with me and my sensations.
On the podcast today I’m sharing a ritual straight outta sexy town.
I want to share a fun practice with you that work wonder if you are in a long-term relationship as well as if you just met someone and want to experience sensational sex!
One of the big blocks to feeling sensational sexuality is the high expectation and pressure to always deliver. Once you stop worrying about having to feel a certain way or having a certain response to your partner’s touch, a new world of sensitivity is revealed.
Sharing your sensations and experiences with your partner helps encourage them to try new things and to feel more connected to you.
In today ‘s episode you’ll learn:
why so many of us struggle to even feel or express ourselves at all during sex
what to do if your partner is insensitive or disconnected during sex
how to open up the way that you communicate during sex with your partner
>> Get comfy and listen up!
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Episode #7 - Beyond Motherhood Podcast
To more nourishing, loving and sensational sex lives!
Your favorite Yoni Happiness Officer ;-)
PS: I you haven’t yet joined my private facebook community “Worthy AF” c’mon over here!! Don’t be shy, invite your friends and let’s build a supporting space for women to have it all and thrive.