Episode #8 - Less is more: radical ways to simplify your life!

Confession time.
No matter how much lavender I diffuse, when my head hits the pillow, I don’t normally drift off into an instantly peaceful sleep.  
Instead, I think about what got done (and what didn’t), what’s on my to-do list for tomorrow, that email I NEED to reply to, and all the things I want so badly to create down the line.
I fall asleep thinking about how I can do more.
… but most of the time, the answer is in doing LESS.
If you’re rolling your eyes and wishing that were the case for you, stay with me.
I know when you’re a busy woman with big dreams, it feels like there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done.
Especially when you have a family and other responsibilities.
The solution most of us come to is to give ourselves these impossible to-do lists that inevitably lead to paralyzing overwhelm.
But what if that didn’t need to be the case?
What if you could get better results by tuning into your own personal rhythm?
What if the busy seasons were just that, seasons.
This is something I’ve personally been trying to get better at lately.
If I’m not careful, my busy season can go chronic and pull me away from the necessary recharge I get when I consciously slooow down.
Running my business from home means that every school holidays (every 6 weeks) my life comes to a sudden halt where I need to be very creative to find ways to keep getting things done. 
To be honest with you, it has been quite frustrating until only recently…
I realized that by doing less I am able create space for what matters most and the surprising thing it that everything is flowing much more smoothly.
That’s why I decided to take a real break during this half term to just enjoy my children, play board games, walk in nature and read a good book without worrying about what I am getting done!

What has helped me most with this transition is to practice surrendering and trust in my inner wisdom. That means, stop overthinking and micro managing everything (and everyone) around me! 

Trusting that I will know what my next steps is by listening within.
Leading less from my masculine action driven, to do list checker and more from my feminine flowing and wise intuitive strength.
The more I practice trusting my inner compass, the more I get amazing results with less work. 
And the beauty of it is that it allows me to get that quality time with my family that I can finally enjoy stress-free.
So in today’s podcast episode I am sharing a meditation that I use to tap into my own inner wisdom or spiritual guidance. When you make decision from your deep intuition center, this is when you are able to do more by doing less.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:

  • Streamlining your to-do list and the 3 questions you need to ask yourself before adding one more task to your ever growing list

  • The phases of productivity and how women in particular can optimize their tasks around their natural energy cycles

  • And a third eye beautiful meditation to help you build your intuition, feel deeply connected to the entire universe and more in command of your own life starting today

Click here to listen to today’s episode >>

I hope you enjoy it ;-)
Here’s to creating more by doing less (and falling asleep sans stress while we’re at it)!
