Episode #14 - Pleasure everyday, keeps the guilt away!

Happy Friday 13th!

We are wrapping up the year and I feel a strong desire to slow down, pause and reflect back on what 2019 has brought:

  • All the things achieved

  • All the things that didn’t work

  • The people who came in, the ones who left

  • The family milestones

This year has been quite unique for me and I like to slow things down so I can learn from my wins, my mistakes and truly savor all the amazing things that happened.

I used to hide in action mode, one thing, then on to the next one, not really appreciating my achievements. My question was “what can I do next?”, “where do we go next”, I was running around looking for these answers outside…

On my inward journey I ditched this mode to focus instead on what feels loving and brings me pleasure.

Yes, the pleasure path! (oh and I also ditched the guilt too)

You get to this path when you get closer and start listening in to the inner voice of passion and purpose, the one that is calling you to step into the slightly scary or uncomfortable.

Listen to the voice inside that is begging you to keep dreaming, keep being curious and keep choosing to love yourself over and over again, no matter what.

Being a mother and choosing to focus on self-love is not for the faint of heart.

You have to be a love warrior to rediscover, reinvent yourself through motherhood and beyond while keeping guilt at bay. That is the journey I am on, and the one I want to invite you to join.

My new compass question is « what is the most loving thing I can do right now »

I borrowed it from a friend, you can borrow it too!

And one way to bring the focus back on you and step into the pleasure path is to cultivate self-love intentionally!

It is one thing to understand that self-love holds lots of keys for your happiness and another one to actually implement it in your life, FOR REAL.

If you find it challenging (and you suspect your are self-sabotaging) you have two options:

  1. You can DIY and today on the podcast I am sharing 2 key self-love practices so you can start implementing right now.

  2. Or if you know you won’t do it alone and want to go much deeper, we should consider working together, that’s what I am really good at ;-)

In any case, listen up to the episode here where I share some of the things I learned to come to that space of deep self-love and self-acceptance + learn the 2 self-love activating practices:

• Breast Massage (get the step by step + audio guided version here)

• Loving Myself Practice

