Episode #4 - How to love even the “hard to love” parts of our body…

I know you're going to love today’s topic because these are things we very rarely talk about - loving and accepting our bodies.

So many of us were raised to be hyper-focused on our physical appearance. To meet unrealistic expectations that are promoted over and over again in the media we consume. 
The crazy world we live in is gives us tips, diet and workout encouraging us to "bounce back" to our pre-kids body. 
We all know this is NOT happening, there is no way back mama ;-)
Instead the way through is all about acceptance and celebration. 

In today's episode we will uncover ways to truly love and accept your body, even the “hard to love” parts.

We have all internalized criticism and it isn’t easy to stop judging ourselves BUT if you feel ready to stop doing that, you can truly do something about it.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • How to not let it get in the way of surrendering in the bedroom

  • How to wrap those thoughts in loving compassion by changing the way you talk to yourself

  • How to accept, feel grateful, compliment and celebrate a challenging body part

Plus I share 3 self-body-love practices to help you get there!

>>> Ready? Head over here to listen
