Camille Busson Thompson

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Permission to brag!

The other day I was trying out a theatre workshop and in one of the exercises we were encouraged to dance and express ourselves freely following different musics and vibes. 


At some point, there was a groovy song that made us all girls shake our bodies playfully and sensually, it was fun… 

Until the leader of the workshop made a comment about us looking “slutty”. 


Instantly the atmosphere of the room went from playful and free, to judgy and self-conscious.


She probably didn’t mean to do that but… 


I could feel it in my thoughts and in my body: the sudden tightening, the inner-control, the appearance check. This feeling that I’ve known too well in my teenage years.


The women around me looked different too and were probably also wondering if they had been moving “too much”, “too sexy”, “too freely”.

If they had been “showing off too much” when they got carried away by the music.


Because let’s face it, we are still heavily conditioned to NOT let our full feminine power out and be seen in it.


I could find excuses and say that’s a French thing that we do: bringing each other down as an awkward way to tease. But I’ve sadly seen that in other parts of the world in some other ways. Underneath is the same belittling of women through shaming and judging. 

The worst is that it’s so ingrained in us that we do that to other women and to ourselves!


We’ve all looked at someone that was dressed in a very provocative way and said or thought “wow, look at her!” 

Or see someone get visible, speak out and think “who does she think she is?”

I know I did.

We all have inherited judgment as a way to keep ourselves unseen (and safe). 

So we judge others who dare to do things we could never allow ourselves to do. Or we judge ourselves for not doing it...

Repeating the judgement imposed on women and their expression is exhausting.

I am sick and tired of it.

I don’t want to indulge in criticising or shaming any women for expressing themselves, for showing up as powerful, beautiful, sensual, badass women. 


We don’t need to stop dancing freely and hide out our talents & power
Or be careful about not feeling too good about ourselves.

NO, what we need is showing up more boldly

to start bragging more

to wear what the fuck we want

to give ourselves permission to dance and move however we desire.

Without being scared of attracting unwanted attention or slut-shaming comments of any kinds.

Without looking at our bodies with jugement, shame, or disgust. 

I want to invite you to notice next time you are afraid of looking a little “too much”, “too braggy”, just give yourself permission to do it:


We need you to do it as an active practice to break the shame culture we are still in.

When you celebrate, share your wins, brag (call it whatever you want), you inspire and invite others to do the same!

No, you are not “showing off”

No, this is not selfish or narcisistic

No, this is not “I’m better than you” vibe

That is a powerful and bold act of self-love.


Confidence doesn’t come out of the blue, self-confidence is built by showing up every time you feel like you should hide and honouring the celebratory impulses in you!


I want to live in a world where women are celebrating each others 

I want to live in a world where women are celebrating themselves effortlessly

I want to live in a world where women receive compliments and opportunities with:

“Thank you very much, that’s true ;-)” or a “Hell yes, I deserve that!”


What world do YOU want to live in?