Welcome to Summer! (Don’t stop me now!)
This is totally my favourite inner season…
It’s the season in your cycle to jump in and say yes to new opportunities!
Summer is all about raising your game, taking risk and putting yourself out there. We often feel more productive and interested in exploring the world.
Your self-expression is at its greatest, so it’s the ideal time to book important meetings, be interviewed, carry out public speaking engagement and ask for a promotion. It’s also a perfect time to receive constructive feedback.
The cumulative effect of three hormones brings you in a state of flow, where you feel both strong and flexible to adjust to whatever comes your way. This hormonal wave also lift your confidence & your sex appeal… Yes!
Welcome to sexy time!
As you’re heading towards ovulation this hormonal combination could be a game changer in your sexual desire.
Sex in the run-up to ovulation can often be the most enjoyable of your cycle because you’re more likely to feel horny and lubricate, your cervix has moved upwards making sex more comfortable and orgasm can come easier and quicker.
If you find the lead up to ovulation is the only time when you feel interested in being intimate, then make sure to keep some space in your diary to have some fun with your partner or just fly solo at those special time.
And then if you’re someone who sexual desire is present all cycle long, then more power to you!
Let’s also talk about lost desire…
It’s common to feel a deep of disappearance of libido in your inner-summer after ovulation as oestrogen and testosterone decline. Interest in getting intimate can be fleeting after ovulation, so get to it before you miss the moment..
Is it rare for you to want sex and initiate it but if your partner gets their timing right you can get in the mood and wonder why you didn’t feel like this before they got you going?
Guess what, this is completely normal. Sex educator Dr Emily Nagoski estimates that around 85% of women don’t experience spontaneous desire as their dominant style when it comes to desire, and 30% of us never experienced spontaneous desire for sex.
Yeah that’s right, it doesn’t make you dysfunctional! Women are more likely to experience responsive desire, in which interest in sex developed once we are in a scenario where we begin to feel aroused such as kissing….
And a reminder that the vast majority of us require clitoral stimulation to feel turned on and have an orgasm, that’s just how our anatomy works. Do educate your lover if they’re not clued up, especially if you’re someone who experiences responsive desire.
Sexual desire can also run away when you’re in a depleted and/or stressed state. That’s common for example if you have a one-year-old who doesn’t sleep through the night or you’re moving homes or maybe your diet is a bit disordered because you’ve been so busy with work.
The Inner Summer Superpowers*:
Invincibility feeling like the queen and like you can do it all, great at communication.
Productivity time to work, it feels easier to decide what you want to do and get to it.
Expansion feeling a boost of self-esteem, taking ownership of our work, feeling like a Beyoncé.
Connection and communication ideal time for rekindling your relationship or going on dates, leading, putting yourself out there, sharing your ideas and connecting with people.
Pleasure hormonal high courses through your body feeling like amazing sex. Pleasure isn’t just about physical intimacy can be about enjoying a great book, a meal, listening to music, dancing…
Avoiding the Inner Summer Dangers:
Feeling too visible if you don’t feel good being visible it can feel intense that you want to hide away from the world. It’s a sexually charged moment of your cycle and if you feel uneasy about inhabiting your sexual power or have experienced trauma it may be hard for you to embrace that season, making you feeling awkward with unwanted attention.
Taking on too much Saying yes to everything although it’s the season to say yes you may be taking on too much without realising it ;-)
Wasting opportunities This is the season to stretch yourself and be productive however if you’ve got no idea what you’re supposed to do or feel like you’re not on the right path you can feel sad, frustrated and anxious and that will decimate the natural positivity and productivity of your inner summer.
PS: if you have missed the scoop on the other inner seasons, catch up here for Winter and here for Spring.
*based on Maisie Hill’s Period Power and Wild Power by Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Wurlitzer (both must read books!)