Shit-scared in Italy...

My legs were hanging in the air 70m above the ground. I was trying not to look down. I was holding the rope so tightly and wondering WTF am I doing here… 

For the first time since my son was born I had taken time for me. I was spending the weekend in a women’s race in Bologna, Italy with my cousin.

One of us had to do this challenge and when I saw my cousin’s livid face, I knew I was going to be the one climbing up and repelling down this narrow medieval tower. 

And I’m really afraid of heights…

I was so scared the whole time: climbing up the ladder, building the courage to unfreeze at the the top during what felt like hours, finally going down.

But I did it.

Bologna Tower

And when I got to the ground I felt a wave of pure joy and excitement. I felt proud of myself. If I had done that I knew that I could do anything. 

That thought put me instantly back into my adventurous self. The whole weekend reinvigorated me from my motherhood slumber at a time where I felt fragile.

The truth is that I would have never felt like a badass without first feeling this discomfort and still choosing to face my fears.

What about you?

What is your Bologna tower? 

What is the one thing you know you want to do but are holding back because of fear?

It may be daunting to push yourself past your comfort zone. 

Yet you can decide to start gently by envisioning it…

Let's try this, ready?

Close your eyes for a moment and think about it.

Now, notice how your brain wants to protect you and comes up with excuses why you should not do it now or this way... bla, bla, bla.

Challenge yourself (still with your eyes closed) and see yourself put those fears into the back seat (with self-compassion) while you keep driving forward.

See yourself go through it. Even though it feels scary.

Most important, feel yourself feeling amazing after doing it, feel a shift in your whole body, imagine getting the reward afterwards. And savour it!

Remember you can do anything, the only thing on the way of your desires is a thought that is optional.

Throwback pop in the city Bologna 2013

Throwback pop in the city Bologna 2013

Go get it!