Keep it Simple
Most of the time we are over-complicating things, am I right?!
Here’s what to do if you catch yourself worrying over your offers, prices or how to find clients. First, stop looking at what others are doing, focus on what’s in front of you.
And Keep it Simple.
What you see others doing might not be what you need to be focusing on. We all have our own pace but what I see over and over is that the best way to move forward & get results is to bobsleigh your business until you have a full practice of clients or made your first 6-figures with your offer.
On today’s podcast episode, I’m talking about where you can simplify things is your business (from your offer, to your marketing strategy, content creation and how to do it feeling supported)
On today’s episode you’ll learn
What to do with your offers
How to decide on your visibility strategy
How to plan, batch & schedule your content
When you are ready to invest in support
What hiring a 1:1 biz coach will do for you & your business