“I Love Selling” Secrets

For the majority of coaches & creatives selling isn’t easy nor fun.

It activates feelings of dread, worry, doubt, awkwardness or any type of fear…

If this is how you feel, it’s not because of your offer, its’ only because of your thoughts & beliefs about your offer.

It’s because you haven’t totally SOLD yourself on it first!

When you are sold, selling happens easily, naturally. 

If selling isn’t happening like this for you, join me for the “I LOVE SELLING”, Summer Camp!

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to coach you on having & selling a hot, magnetic offer. 

The kind of offer people can’t stay away from.


On today’s episode you’ll learn all about the Summer Camp:

  • What is this 6-week experience really about & how it’ll lit you up from the inside

  • How you’ll learn to sell yourself on your offer before selling it to others

  • What you’ll need to unlearn and let go off

  • The concrete trainings, coaching & mini-challenges happening inside

  • The 3 parts program of the Summer Camp & how to make the most of it

Featured on this episode: